Thursday, January 14, 2010


I have been asked again to share about an urgent need for a young lady about to "time/age" out of an orphanage!

I'm going to just copy and paste the information that was given to me. PLEASE PRAY AND PASS ALONG!

I'm forwarding this to you because I wonder if (yet again!) you might share this need. This girl has till next month to find a family or she's a homeless 16 year old, and I know that is not what God wants to see happen. So I think if we can get the word out, and be praying, God can use this as a means to get her connected to her parents!

Sorry to bother you with this question - we have a girl who is turning 16 in February, Kristina.
We are trying to find a family for her. A family who would like to adopt her needs to
submit their application to USCIS before Kristina will turn 16.
There are just couple weeks left. May I ask you to possibly ask people in your church?
May be there is a family who would like to give this girl a hope.

She has been in US on hosting program and any interested family could contact the family
who hosted Kristina, they likes her a lot.
Here is what they say:

Teal Renzema <>, one of families hosted her said: Krystyna is a very sweet girl, any family would be blessed to have her (I wish we could :)) . She is affectionate, cheerful, and extremely helpful (she always wants to keep everyone happy). Honestly there did not seem to be anything that we did that she didn't enjoy except maybe being around too many adults that she didn't know. The first night she was here she subtly cuddled up to me. She isn't extremely outgoing, she is almost shy but handles everything with a sweet smile. She told me that she wants to learn different languages and be a translator when she grows up. Most of the time she was here we played video games and "talked" on a translating website. I am so sad to see her second host family does not have funds to adopt her….

Thank you very much.

Larissa Koedyker
Russia Consultant/Ukraine program Coordinator
(616) 667-0921
(616) 667-9730 (fax)

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