I used to think of God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there, sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I didn't really know Him.
But later on, when I met Jesus, it seemed as though life was rather like a bike, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that Jesus was in the back helping me pedal. I didn't know just when it was He suggested we change, but life has not been the same since I took the back-seat to Jesus, my Lord. He makes life exciting. When I had control, I thought I knew the way. It was rather boring, but predictable. It was the shortest distance between two points.
But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places and at break-through speeds; it was all I could do to hang on! Even though it often looked like madness, He said, "Pedal!" I was worried and anxious and asked, "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into adventure. And when I'd say, "I'm scared", He'd lean back and touch my hand.
He took me to people with gifts that I needed, gifts of healing, acceptance and joy. They gave me their gifts to take on my journey, our journey, my Lord's and mine. And we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away; they're extra baggage, too much weight." So I did, to the people we met, and I found in giving I received, and still our burden was light.
I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought He'd wreck it, but He knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, jump to clear high rocks, fly to shorten scary passages. And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion, Jesus.
And when I'm sure I just can't do any more, He just smiles and says... "Pedal."
(Author unknown)
I'm thrilled to share with you that the money has come in for us to secure the investigator and lawyer. This does not mean we have all the money needed. We still have a LOT to raise!
I do want to clarify one thing. The dinner and auction is NOT tonight, it's January 29 @ 5PM.
Now that Christmas is over, I am beginning to work on collecting items for the auction and dessert table. So, if you're reading this and have a business or have something you'd like to donate or if you want to make some sweets for the dessert table please contact me at tonya@mpdcad.com.
Would you please pray for something else? We know God is in control of all that is going on and we totally believe He'll provide every penny needed to pay the lawyer and investigator. He's provided all along, why would be doubt it this time? Something that we have been talking about and praying about is this....somehow the Lord making a way for us to be able to leave the beginning of February and stay in Nepal until we are able to bring Trek home. The Lord would have to work out the details of course, but if Mike could somehow do his 'regular' job from over there and we are able to continue to pay our bills, he could work the times they have electricity and the times they are without it, we could work/teach/play with the children and didi's (care takers of the orphanage). It would be like a short term missions trip for a month or two serving in an orphanage! There is so much that needs to be done there and with wanting Trek in our custody as soon as possible this would just be an awesome thing to do. Would you please pray about this with us.
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